Tuesday 29 March 2011

First pickings of the year

 In order for me to ease my guilt about not tackling the ever increasing depth of dust at home, I have come up with a new rule; if the weather is nice I can spend time on the allotment. If the weather is horrible then that's the time to catch up with the chores. As today was a lovely sunny Spring day that meant, ( by my own ruling) it was an allotment day. Yeah!!! And a lovely time I had, especially as the very first Rhubarb of this year was ready for picking.

I am always surprised how expensive Rhubarb is to buy in the Supermarkets, considering how easy it is to grow. Anyway this lot was picked and in the pan stewing within twenty minutes, ready for tonight's yummy crumble.


  1. Hello, I've arrived here via UK Veg Gardners.
    I think that dusting is a very low priority for all gardeners, especially when it's good weather!
    That rhubarb looks delicious, mine is a couple of weeks away yet. As to the cost of it in the supermarkets...said shaking head!
    Happy gardening, and blogging about it. Flighty xx

  2. I'm afraid it's not just dusting with me - my ironing is piling up too!

    Thanks for adding yourself to my followers on my blog too!

    We have lots of rhubarb too but we do live in the rhubarb triangle so it's a must!
